Been working with some folks on a fun, glossy magazine-type project on Pinterest called Gilt Gilda.
Gilt Gilda is an unruly hoard of cultural capital anxious to be squandered on something truly splendid. Pins by Reb Livingston, Rauan Klassnik, Rebecca Hazelton + guest curators: Jeannine Hall Gailey, Jennifer Barnes and many more to come.
So if you're on Pinterest, please follow us. And if you're not, maybe considering creating an account and following us.
Some of our boards:
Resurrection Request: Who and what we'd like to raise from the dead
Wrapper Gazing: What's on the outside
If I was Nic Cage's Mistress: Oh the things we'd do
A Taste of Rauan's Rabbits & Other Wildlife: From Rauan Klassnik's personal preserve
Reb's Cabinet of Curiosities: Pins from Reb Livingston's fabled vault of sorcery & whimsy
Rebecca's Garden of Questionable Delights: Rebecca Hazelton is bringing out the hoes
Jeannine Hall Gailey: Guest Board
Jennifer Barnes: Guest Board
And more to come, of course, there's always much much more.