Monday, June 7, 2010

damsel poems in action, yes

I have 6 poems in the new issue of Action, Yes along with work by Stan Apps, Earl Babin, Amaranth Borsuk & Kate Durbin, Judson Hamilton, Evelyn Hampton, Mary Hickman, Christopher Higgs, Lacey Hunter, Jamie Iredell, Lucy Ives, Russell Jaffe, A D Jameson, Shane Jones, Garret Kalleberg, Pablo Larios, Janice Lee, Patrick Leonard, Kim Gek Lin Short, Sarah Mangold, Kristi Maxwell, Ian McCarty, RC Miller, Sara Mumolo, Jessica Newman, JoAnna Novak, by Aleksey Porvin, translated by Peter Golub, Christian Prigent, translated by Adrian Kien, and Jono Tosch

These poems are from my new book, God Damsel

I don't understand why you don't have this book yet, but it's not too late to get it.

Use coupon code: VACATION at Lulu to save 10%.

Stop pissing me off. Go buy it.