Monday, April 6, 2015

AWP, Broets, Poemblots & NaPoWriMo, Oh My!

I'll be at AWP in Minneapolis/St. Paul this week.

Thursday night I'll be reading at the Queen Mob's Teaparty along with Kirsten Kaschock, Nicholas Rombes, R.M. O'Brien and music by Vernon Dixon, Elizabeth Ghandour and Gabriel Douglas.

The Teaparty will be held at at Dulono's Pizza starting at 9pm.

Copies of Bombyonder will be on sale at the Coconut Books/Bloof Books table. Table 1633

I'll also have a few copies on hand myself.

At Queen Mob's Teahouse I have an interview with Collin Kelley regarding his poem "Saving Anne Sexton" and the critical reception both it and he received.

There's a Poemblot of a Julie Bloemeke poem where the reader contemplates whether or not Julie might be a stalker.

So far I've stayed on scheduled for NaPoWriMo.

We'll see if I can keep that up later this week when I'm at AWP.

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